Error codes

0 ALERR_NOERROR No error occurred
-1 ALERR_NOWNASPI Unable to load WNASPI32.DLL (95/98/NT/2000) or use SCSI passthrough (NT/2000)
-2 ALERR_NOGETASPI32SUPP Could not load ASPI function GetASPI32SupportInfo. Only occurs when an ASPI manager (WNASPI32.DLL) is found, but cannot be correctly loaded by the system. Most often indicates that ASPI is improperly installed.
-3 ALERR_NOSENDASPICMD Could not load ASPI function SendASPI32Command. Only occurs when an ASPI manager (WNASPI32.DLL) is found, but cannot be correctly loaded by the system. Most often indicates that ASPI is improperly installed.
-4 ALERR_ASPI An error was returned by the ASPI manager. Use GetAspiLibAspiError to retrieve the actual ASPI error.
-5 ALERR_NOCDSELECTED Unused in the current implementation
-6 ALERR_BUFTOOSMALL The buffer passed to ReadCDAudioLBA or ReadCDAudioLBAEx is too small for the requested number of frames.
-7 ALERR_INVHANDLE The handle to the CD-ROM unit is invalid.
-8 ALERR_NOMOREHAND All available slots for CD-ROM handles have been allocated.
-9 ALERR_BUFPTR Results from passing a bad buf parameter to GetCDId (ie. a NULL pointer)
-10 ALERR_NOTACD The ha:tgt:lun values passed to GetCDHandle do not refer to a CD-ROM device.
-11 ALERR_LOCK Unable to obtain an exclusive lock on a CD handle.
-12 ALERR_DUPHAND Occurs when attempting to call GetCDHandle for a ha:tgt:lun value that has already been allocated.
-13 ALERR_INVPTR Invalid value for the LPGETCDHAND parameter to GetCDHandle
-14 ALERR_INVPARM Invalid version or size specified in LPGETCDHAND parameter to GetCDHandle
-15 ALERR_JITTER An automatic jitter adjust failed during a call to ReadCDAudioLBAEx