DWORD CDDBGetDiskInfo( LPCDDBQUERYITEM lpq, char *lpszCDDBText, int maxLen );

Description: Retrieves the CDDB entry text from the currently configured CDDB server.

lpq Pointer to a CDDBQUERYITEM structure containing information on the CD that we want.
lpszCDDBText Buffer that the CDDB entry text will be written into. The entire entry is returned as an ASCIIZ string.
maxLen The maximum number of characters that can be copied into the buffer lpszCDDBText. If the entry is longer, it will be truncated.

Return Value:

SS_COMP Success
SS_ERR An error occured. Use GetAspiLibError to retrieve the specific error code.

Notes: CDDBGetDiskInfo generates an HTTP query to the CDDB database like this one. Your application should allocate a sufficiently large buffer to hold the entry -- unfortunately, there is no way currently to know beforehand how large the entry is. The function should use one of the items returned from the call to CDDBQuery() as its lpq parameter.

See also: GetAspiLibError, CDDBQuery, CDDBSetOption