

Peter Tribe has been kind enough to submit an ActiveX wrapper for AKRip32.dll, which should make it much easier to use in Visual Basic and Delphi! Download


Released v0.96 [changelog].


It's come to my attention that a certain commercial product has taken AKRip32.dll, stripped it of its copyright information and changed its name, claiming it as his own work. The author of this commercial product did not even bother to change the names of the exported functions or of the the mutexes and other symbols in the DLL. As if the outright thievery of my code was not enough, this individual has publically referred to it on usenet as bullshit. Developers, if you're going to use the library in a commercial project, you're still required to provide source or a link to the source of the DLL, including any modifications you may have made. The dishonesty displayed by this individual lessens my desire to contribute to open-source software.


Released v0.95 of the library. Most significant changes are the addition of a project file for MSVC compilation and IOCTL_SCSI_GET_ADDRESS for the native NT/2000 support.


Added a section for Miscellaneous Documents.


Finally got around to updating the error codes in the API documentation.


Am downloading the free command-line tools from Borland. If all goes well, I should post an import library and makefile for the Borland environment sometime this week.


GeoCities strikes again! For the second time in just over a week, Yahoo! GeoCities has decided to shut down my web pages there for suspicion of "remote loading", whatever that means. Which has made me move a little faster and finally move CD-DA X-Tractor, one of the example programs for the library, to its new home here at SourceForge.


New version 0.94 now available!


Added a "sample code" section to the pages here at SourceForge. The next version of the DLL should be released either today or tomorrow. The CDDB code is expanded by one function in this release. I'll be trying to get a few more small samples using the library put together over the next week or so.


Posted a pre-release version of 0.92. The big changes for this version are a Delphi interface and support for the Windows NT SCSI pass through interface -- allows use of the library even if there is no ASPI manager available. It works for NT and should hopefully work for W2K as well. Both are available via Anonymous FTP. The latest version library source code is as always available via anonymous CVS. It should, though, still be considered as experimental.


Version 0.91 released. The main change for this version is basic support for CDDB operations. The main thing missing for CDDB support at the moment is code to retrieve and parse the site list. For now, the CDDB server will have to be set by hand. Hopefully in the next few days I'll get the API docs updated to reflect the new functions added.


Finally got around to putting together the new pages for the library here at SourceForge. The latest released source has been imported into the CVS repository, and uploaded as a project module. The mailing list has been set up.

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